Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Must See TV - Lucas Edition

First, let me begin by saying - Don't get spoiled!!! I realize two blog posts so close together may get all of the family excited by such activity, but it's likely to not be a regular thing:) That being said Lucas has had one big week, and in the process created two very exhausted parents. Lucas has entered his 10th month with a bang! And we're guessing there's no stopping him now.

TROUBLE!! from natalie sawyer on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wow...It's been a really long time!

Hi to all of you:) So it's been ages since I last posted anything but we've been busy - ya know, trying to sell our house, get ready to move, and deal with a growing baby boy.

I know that we've skipped Christmas, but we're going to print some of those pictures out so you'll have to wait on those. To sum up - we had a great time, we almost missed Santa because of an ice storm in Granbury, Eden scared Lucas with her death pinching (love her anyway though!), and then after the Grandma & Grandpa spoiling, Lucas got more love from Mimi and Ganghi.

Lucas has barely gained a pound since 6 months old - looking back he was definitely a BIG guy. He weights right at 22.6 lbs and at his 9 month appointment he was 28.6 inches long. Lucas is still allergic to dairy, soy and potentially gluten (and honestly, its the gluten thing that freaks me out a little bit). He just started crawling with real efficiency - Auntie Haley saw it first! He has 3, almost 4 teeth, he loves anything but green veggies, and he thinks the girls across the street are about as cool as it gets.

We just got back from a great trip to the beach. Lucas is FEARLESS! He splashed in the water, and then we went all the way in. The waves didn't scare him at all. Lucas just laughed and squeezed his eyes shut with a big grin on his face. The slide show below is from this last trip.

Love to you all!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Baby Jesus!

Just a few pictures from our visit with Lindsey and Lucas's night out as Baby Jesus for the church's nativity scene.

Love you all!

PS: We're watching the Today Show as we typically do. You know, you never know what slightly inappropriate thing Meredith is going to say these days:) and Bon Jovi started to perform. Lucas LOVES Bon Jovi.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1st Food-Like Substances

So after the 4-month check-up we were told to go ahead and try a little rice cereal with Lucas. Apparently learning to eat is the 1st step in learning how to talk...who knew! Not even the doctor in the house realized it. We didn't catch it on camera but he is so opposed to food at this time that he seems to try and push the spoon away. Here are a few pictures and a video of Lucas trying out the rice cereal. Surprisingly, he's not the biggest fan yet!

2nd Try! from natalie sawyer on Vimeo.

Friday, November 6, 2009

4.5 Months

A lot has happened since my last post. Most recently Lucas had his 4 (really 4 1/2) month checkup. He is doing really well, and happily has made it back under the growth line for weight! GO LUCAS!!! He weighs 19 lbs 2 oz, is 26 inches long, and has a small head like his dad. And apparently like his cousins on the Anderson side. He's also hitting all the milestones according to Dr. Denen. And 1 more thing from the appointment - Lucas can start eating food-like substances, about 1 tbsp of rice cereal which hopefully we'll start this weekend:)

Lucas took his first plane ride all the way to West Texas, complete with a plane and terminal change in DFW. He was absolutely amazing! Honestly, not a sound on the way to Lubbock. The ride back from DFW to Dayton was good too until the last 20 minutes or so when the pressure really got to him. Crocodile tears and all it was the saddest part of the trip.
In West Texas Lucas spent time with his Mimi and Ganghi, Aunnie Re and Aunt Haley and met several new family members. Cousins Cecilie & Adrianne, and Uncles John and Jack. True to form, Lucas spit up on Cec every time she picked him up. It was awesome.

As soon as we got back from Texas, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Mark came to town. Lucas was still recovering from the trip but he seemed to really enjoy himself. It was Halloween Weekend! Lucas made an outstanding Baby Yoda, and trick-or-treated 3 houses in the neighborhood. No candy was gathered, but we all enjoyed the photo opps with the neighbors. Sunday we raked leaves. No pictures but I will say that the next house we find ourselves living in will be taken into consideration based on the number of trees in the yard.

In the last couple of days Lucas has really started playing a lot more. He's now reaching for things with success that are dangling over his head, he's squeaking and squealing a lot more, and he's spontaneously giggling which may be the funniest thing ever! You can tell when he's really starting to have fun when he holds his arms straight out from his sides and they start to shake a little bit.

In the next few months, Lucas will be meeting Lindsey and Sarah (from Iowa), and we just bought our tickets to Texas for Lucas's 1st Christmas. So exciting!

And now for the pictures...hopefully you didn't just skip to them, but if you did its okay:)

PS: If you want to print any of the pictures from the blog the best way to do it is out of my Picasa web account instead of straight from the blog. Let me know and I'll give you access to it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Afternoon Playtime with Lucas

Lucas gets more and more entertaining everyday! And the best part is he seems to think his mommy is the funniest thing on earth (comments regarding the previous statement are unwanted. Thanks). What does Lucas's day look like these days you may be wondering? It goes something like this:

  • Wake up. Eat. Smile at mommy & daddy while I hang out in the recliner until it's time for morning nap.
  • Wake up. Sit in my Bumbo chair and watch 5 minutes of the Backyardigans - my favorite TV show because of all the colors and singing & dancing.
  • I might stay up or I might not. Just depends but eventually I'll give mommy a break and take a 2-3 hour nap around 2.
  • Wake up. Playtime again and sometimes a short nap before dinner.
  • Wake up. Bathtime and soon off to bed - around 8 or 8:30 these days.

This is one more video had to be posted from his afternoon on playtime (now that I know what I'm doing). Lucas got very expressive during afternoon playtime after his nap and snack. Enjoy:)

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